Thursday, 7 February 2013

Amazing !See the baby born in a tree

Born in a Tree

Carolina Chirindza gave birth to her baby Rositha in a tree. In 2000, Chirindza’s home in Mozambique was overcome by rapidly-moving high floodwaters so she climbed up a tree to avoid the crocodile-infested waters. For four days without food or water, she waited for rescue. Baby Rositha was born on the fourth day and fortunately, a South African military helicopter rescued them shortly thereafter. There is also a tree birth story from Papua New Guinea. The pregnant Nolan Yekum and her husband were hung from a tree after being accused of witchcraft. She gave birth mere moments before she and her husband freed themselves from their nooses and went into hiding. Eventually both tree babies and moms were admitted into the hospital and given a good bill of health.