Wednesday, 9 October 2013


They said only a prayer group, consisting of Christians, Muslims and heathens just as they claimed Baba Alakyo widely referred to as the chief priest of the group, is only a prayer leader.

“There is no shrine; I am emphatic that there is no shrine. Babalakyo is a leader of the prayer group. Babalakyo is an herbalist. That is what he is,” legal adviser of the Ombaste group Barrister Zamani Zachary Allumaga said at the ongoing commission of inquiry on the May 7 killing of security operatives in Alakyo.
The group has been widely blamed for the killing of the security operatives.

Barrister Allumaga, who faced cross-examinations from counsels representing various groups and communities, as well as Mrs. Funso Lawal representing the panel consistently denied that the group was responsible for the Alakyo killing of policemen and Secret Security Service (SSS) operatives.

“We in Ombatse group are only there to pray. We do not carry weapons. We have no business with humans,” he said.
He also said the name Ombatse, Eggon means “time has come for prayers.”
The group announced on Monday it has suspended activities; albeit temporarily,  pending the out-come of the ongoing investigation.

The group also criticized Gove-rnor Umaru Tanko Al-Makura of Nasarawa State for failure to go after the perpetrators of the ambush and by extension, the murder of about 74 officers and men of the police and SSS.
The Ombatse legal adviser who is a former legal adviser of the state owned broadcast station said: “Baba(alakyo) asked why they were in his house and immediately, they became drunk and started killing themselves.” Allumaga said.    culled from Dally  Trust