Sunday, 19 October 2014

God will Punish Gov Mimiko !

God will Punish Gov Mimiko ! Pls read this sign post Wevare ceratin that the Lord will punish Mimiko for doing what nobody or any governor in the stste has ever done to us . Governor Mimiko is the most wicked Governor in Nigeria I swear by my finger pointed up . This man is not good at all . and honestly I regret loving him Look at this sign post . Is it fair for him to do this ? why should this man spoil our business just because he loves the poor people ? We regretted the day he was born God may not forgive him for this act . How can Mimiko protect the interest and cater for the interest of the poor masses who are in the majority in Ondo state against the very minute crop of people ? See how he has destroyed our lucrative business By making child delivery free which has led to a substantial reduction in maternal mortality rate in the state In a state where we have our clinics and hospitals which we founded to exploit the people . Look , we have been having it rosy and swell before this Mimiko came on board We that charges between 20 k and 30k for normal delivery while 90k - 100k foe CS ,in our ramshackle ,dingy and parlous shafts which some of us called clinics and hospitals ,see this worthless man now creating a four- star hotel as hospitals and make it worst by making delivery free for the poor masses who we love to exploit at will . In fact , Or am I stupid to say God will punish Gov Olusegun Mimiko for making child delivery free in Odo state ? Am I foolish for abusing Gov Mimiko for preventing and reducing to ground zero maternal mortality rate in Ondo state ? And tell me who is that fellow that deserves to be punish by God for thinking wrongly ? Good day !