Friday, 10 October 2014

Gov Henry Seriake Dickson,Bayelsa, wahlai , talahi some Nigerians are too stupid !

Gov Henry Seriake Dickson, wahlai , talahi some Nigerians are too stupid ! Governor Seriake , you will agree with me that wahlai talai , some Nigeria are just too stupid . in fact , they are not only stupid but totally useless Imagine some of these Nigerians crying aloud that you are spending just a little 33 billion naira to build a new office for the governor . And it is just only the Governor's office , not the Secretariat ! I am angry why should they be concerned about how you spend the money meant for your state and which is within your whims and caprices ? They have forgotten that the Lord has put you there to behave in any how you feel . What is their problem ? Look , my good Governor of Bayelsa state , don't mind some of these good for nothing Nigerians rubbing their mouths on you just because you wanted to build another out of the world governor's office with a little sum of just 33 billion naira . You will agree with me that they are cheap . They have no taste nether do they have class nor know that Bayelsa despite the fact that majority of its citizen are living in poverty and wretchedness , their supposed servant should work in a heavenly designed and out of this world office . , all of you making noise over a paltry sum of just 33billion naira being the cost of a new governor 's office are not serious. I blame the governor for not committing 1 trillion naira to such a heavenly project . What is 33 billion naira ? You people are poverty stricken fellows . Chicken change . I am sure it is not enough . Instead of you to praise the Governor who decided to spend 33 billion naira only on governor's office instead of creating employment avenue for the poverty ridden people of the state majority of whom cannot afford to buy shoe . Your excellency , don't mind the fools , kindly raise the cost to 100billion as that Governor office should have a Airport , A seaport and stadium . My brother , don't mind them , so far that you , the boss is over comfortable , you don't have to care about their daily worsening and stinking living environment . You see because poverty has really dealt with them , they cannot see the reason in you being generous at wasting just 33 billion naira on a mere Governor's office instead of creating cottages industries which can rescue thousands of them from the crunches of poverty , unemployment and wretchedness . They cannot see that it is of good measure to them if the Governor office is plastered with gold and the ceiling stocked with diamonds while the floor are done with silver while the roads in Yenagoa and others towns and villages are not only not motor able bur death traps . It does not matter if 33 billion naira which is enough to construct and equip 14 general Hospitals for the citizens of Bayelsa is wasted on a Governor's Office . Care not for their welfare , my Governor , give no hoot to their sensible opposition , but dazzle them with another project by spending 200 billion on a new governor's House because a super Governor's office deserves a supra Governor's house . Well Done ! I hail you . Great Governor .