Housewife with botched boob job says: I feel like a monster
Botched boob job ... Deborah
Last Updated: 27th April 2013
A WOMAN has told of her torment after a botched boob job left her with lopsided breasts.
Debbie, from Los Angeles, had her breasts enlarged 15 years ago when she worked in the adult entertainment industry, increasing her chest size five times to a J cup.
But just days after the surgery, she developed an infection in her right breast, and the surgeon who conducted the operation was nowhere to be found.
Seeking new medical help, a different doctor agreed to remove the infected implant and skin — but only operated on one breast leaving her with one J cup and one smaller boob.
She is now seeking help from Cosmetic expert Dr Vik Vijh, one of Britain's leading plastic surgeons, on new TV series Last Chance Salon, to be aired next month on new UK channel TLC.
On the show, Debbie explains: "Being large and more voluptuous was the epitome of glamour to me."
But looking at her body after the operation, Debbie says she is devastated.
She says: "It looks like someone hacked me up.
"When I look in the mirror I see this grotesque image, I feel like a monster. I haven't found a surgeon willing or able to help me."
Debbie, who lives with her partner Billy, has barely left the house for 15 years.
She adds: "If someone can help me it will change my world and help me feel like a new person."
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/tv/4904826/housewife-botched-boob-job.html#ixzz2RhWS1u8v