Man forced to live with giant tumour round his neck

Tumour ... Wang Zhixiang with huge growth around his neck
Published: 1 hr ago
A MAN has to try anad live with a massive tumour all around his neck – because his family cannot afford to have it removed.
Wang Zhixiang is suffering from the benign growth — called a lipoma – which is almost as wide as his shoulders.The lipoma – a soft lump under the skin that is caused by an overgrowth of fat cells — is also spreading around his body and affects his back, legs, arms and stomach.
Mr Zhixiang, from Jilin city, Jilin province in China believes the problem was triggered by hormone therapy he received following an accident in 2005.
The non-cancerous growth, which affects one in 100 people, is harmless and can often be left alone.
But particularly large lipomas like Mr Zhixiang’s are normally removed.
However, his family cannot afford the procedure – so he has to try and manage with the growth, which is nearly 30 centimetres wide.
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Tumour ... Wang Zhixiang with huge growth around his neck
Published: 1 hr ago
A MAN has to try anad live with a massive tumour all around his neck – because his family cannot afford to have it removed.
Wang Zhixiang is suffering from the benign growth — called a lipoma – which is almost as wide as his shoulders.The lipoma – a soft lump under the skin that is caused by an overgrowth of fat cells — is also spreading around his body and affects his back, legs, arms and stomach.
Mr Zhixiang, from Jilin city, Jilin province in China believes the problem was triggered by hormone therapy he received following an accident in 2005.
The non-cancerous growth, which affects one in 100 people, is harmless and can often be left alone.
But particularly large lipomas like Mr Zhixiang’s are normally removed.
However, his family cannot afford the procedure – so he has to try and manage with the growth, which is nearly 30 centimetres wide.
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