We breast-feed each other’s children
Sisters who share extraordinary and intimate bond

Bond... Kyle with Ede and, right, sister Bunty with Elijah
March 2013
AS a mum herself, Kourtney Kardashian was always going to be a great help to pregnant younger sister Kim.
But rather than offering teething tips and hand-me-downs, Kourtney spectacularly announced she would happily BREAST-FEED Kim and Kanye’s baby if she were babysitting.The US reality TV star explained to Kim there was nothing odd about her suggestion, reminding her that wet nursing regularly happened in “the old days” when “nipple sharing” was commonplace.
Having breast-fed her son Mason, three, and six-month-old daughter Penelope, Kourtney has been very open about motherhood in the past.
She gave birth to both her children live on TV and her latest revelation has raised eyebrows too — not surprisingly, as only 17 per cent of UK mothers exclusively breast-feed their baby at three months.
Sisters Bunty Rowe, 25, and 30-year-old Kyle Aldridge, are unfazed by the controversy and say wet-nursing is “completely natural”.
The pair from Cam, Gloucs, say breast-feeding each other’s kids is “as normal as brushing their teeth”.
Bunty, a student midwife, says: “It’s so practical and convenient. If one of us needs to go out, we’re able to use each other’s resources.
“Wet-nursing gives us freedom. It can be quite an ordeal to have to leave your children when they’re little but with my sister Kyle in charge I don’t have to worry.
“I know if my baby cries it will be picked up and fed.”
Bunty and Kyle have been nipple sharing for the past four years. Kyle, a full-time mum, has five children — Jai, 13, Lottie, 11, Levi, seven, Judah, four, and Elijah, two. She breast-fed them and is still nursing the youngest two. The devoted mum will continue until the children naturally outgrow the practice.
Bunty has two children — Mabel, four, and Ede, two, who is still breast-fed by both Bunty and Kyle.
Kyle says: “It’s natural. I see breast-feeding my baby and my sister’s baby as part of motherhood — and sisterhood.”
The pair started cross-feeding when Mabel was a couple of months old. Bunty and care assistant husband Sam, 28, planned a night out and Kyle babysat.
Bunty says: “Before I left, Kyle said, ‘If Mabel wakes up, shall I just breast-feed her?’ She was already breast-feeding her son, Judah, who was only three months older than Mabel. I didn’t think anything of it and just said, ‘Sure, why not?’ ”
So when Mabel started crying, rather than giving her niece a bottle, Kyle simply let her latch on. Bunty says: “People may question whether the babies get confused as to who their mummy is. But the truth is that the children don’t seem confused at all. As long as they get fed, they’re not bothered.”
They have been feeding each other’s children ever since. Neither sister wanted to introduce formula milk, so allowing each other to breast-feed was the perfect solution.
Bunty spends three days a week studying. She adds: “I honestly don’t know if I could have continued at college if Kyle wasn’t around.
“It’s emotionally soothing for me as well as the children to know my kids are in such good hands.”
When Judah and Mabel were little, the pair would suckle each other’s children twice a week. But following the birth of Ede, Kyle’s help became more valuable than ever.
Bunty says: “I developed thrush on my nipples — a common but painful fungal infection, which can be passed between mother and baby. It made breast-feeding difficult because I had sore nipples. I felt like I couldn’t provide for my baby, which made me very sad.
“Fortunately, Kyle was able to help out with the feeding until the problem had been treated with cream and drops.”
The sisters say they are fortunate they share similar parenting views. Both are supporters of the breast-feeding organisation Lactivist.
Bunty says: “I remember my mum breast-feeding and I’ve never considered anything else. I’m not anti-formula, it has its place. But for me breast-feeding is just normal and natural.”
Both sisters believe sharing breast-feeding duties has not only strengthened the bond between the two of them but united the family. Bunty says: “We’re like one family unit really.
“It’s really important for us to have a sense of community. The children see us as equal parents.”
They think that nipple-sharing, far from making the cousins jealous, has made them closer.
Kyle says: “I remember feeding Judah on one side and Mabel on the other and them holding hands over me. Now they’re not feeding anymore, they’re like brother and sister. They share everything.”
Asked if they worry that the motherly bond may be tarnished by wet-nursing, the pair shake their heads. Bunty says: “It’s critical for me to allow my daughters to have relationships with other strong women. I can only see it as a positive thing.”
The arrangement means Bunty and Kyle are able to spend quality time with their husbands, too.
Kyle, who is married to video conferencing engineer, Joe, 33, says: “It has strengthened our relationship no end as we’re able to go out together and know our children are being looked after.”
As well as breast-feeding her sister’s children, Kyle has also helped out friends.
She says: “Recently, a friend had to go into hospital as her older child was on a life-support machine.
“With my friend’s blessing, I was able to nurse her baby while she was in hospital.” Last year, Kyle set up a wet nurse group in the UK, connecting mothers who need breast milk due to an emergency or illness and she hopes it will catch on.
She says: “Women should pull together. If more people were open to the idea, they would feel less on their own.”
Kyle is in the process of becoming a registered child minder and says she would be willing to nurse any child in her care, if the mother wished.
She says: “If Kim and Kourtney do decide to breast-feed each other’s babies, they won’t be the first and they definitely won’t be the last.”
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/4842388/sisters-who-breast-feed-each-others-children.html#ixzz2NvL9J77l