8 myth about getting a bigger butt

1, Squeezing my butt hard when I perform a butt exercise will give dents on the side of my butt and give it a square look
Truth or false?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! you can’t train specific to get the dents on the side of your butt,it has to do with how much butt muscles you have compare to how little fat you have to cover up your butt muscles,squeeze your butt
muscle while you train is a good thing,because you will gain better if you really contract your muscles! so don’t fall for that myth!
2, If I eat a certain food, my butt will grow BIG!
Truth or false?
Serious..If you don’t have the genetic to only gain fat in your butt,then NO,there are no foods you can eat to ONLY Gain
a big butt,you will simply gain all over your body
3, If my boyfriend have sex from behind with me,my butt will grow bigger
Truth or false?
LOL, do I really need to answer this question???? I guess this myth came from a guy who wanted to take his girlfriend in the ass,so he said “oh yeah, your butt will grow BIG, you don’t need to train or having surgery”
Of course NOT,the only thing on you who will get bigger is your ass whole if you are not careful lol
4, If I train my butt with weights, my but will become rock hard as a mans butt!
Truth or false?
haha, okay, not even normal men have rock hard asses! and no you wont get a rock hard butt if you train hard!
It takes time to gain really big muscles and also,as long as you have fat over your butt muscles you will not have a rock hard butt,I mean serious…Do you know HOW little fat you need to have on your body to get a “rock hard butt”?
you will get bored before you have that low body percent fat
5, If I do 100 squats every night before bed, my butt will grow BIG
Truth or false?
Actually…if you don’t go to failure and your muscles don’t get exhausted from this,this can give you a better blood flow to your muscles and you will look more pumped from that, but it is not muscles,it is from all the blood you have in your butt, but NO, you wont get a BIG butt from doing hundreds of squats every day,and if you get tired in your muscles by doing 100 of squats,you will break down your muscles instead
Do a normal workout instead 2-3 times per week and you will grow a whole lot better
6, Protein powder will give you a BIG BUTT
Truth or false?
Once again…no food can only give you a big butt,and protein powder is not a miracle product,it is only a supplement
for you to take after your workout to feed your muscles that have been breaking down from your recent workout to repair and grow,but if you think you can drink a lot of protein and your butt will grow,you are fooling yourself
a person who workout needs more protein than a person who don’t workout,and that is because you need to “feed” your muscles and help them to repair them selfs and grow
7, Creatine will give me a big butt!
Truth or false?
Creatine will bring in more water INTO your muscles so you will look fuller,and also help to bring in more carbs into your muscles,and when this happen, you will also get stronger so you can workout harder,and if you can work out harder,that means you can lift more weights,and as we all know…more weights= more muscles
So, this will help you to train harder so you can grow yourself a bigger butt,but creatine it selfs will not give you a big butt
8, If I sit a lot or lying on my bed on my back, I will get a bigger butt from it
Truth or false?
Yeah, if you want a saggy deflate butt go ahead! make your butt! lol
No, this will only give you weaker butt muscles and you will have a saggy flat butt in the end’