Get the lowdown on energy drinks — what they
are, when to use them and who shouldn't be drinking them at all.

Photo: Tambako the Jaguar/Flickr
Since the 1997 introduction of Red Bull, energy drinks have seen
exponential growth, outpacing nearly every other offering in the
beverage market. From supermarkets to gas stations to drug stores, Red
Bull, Five Hour Energy, Monster, Rockstar and other similar products
dominate prime display space on shelves and in coolers. Responding to
this placement and extensive advertising, consumers now spend more than
$9 billion a year on energy drinks.
But do we really know what we're buying? Are these drinks safe? Do they carry health risks?
Before you reach for that magic bottle that promises enhanced
alertness, concentration and physical performance, you need the facts.
Precise recipes vary, but the common element is caffeine.
A standard cup of coffee has about 100 milligrams of caffeine, a cup of
tea 50 milligrams and a can of cola 35-55 milligrams. Energy drinks
usually have more. A single serving of an energy drink can have anywhere
from 50 to 500 milligrams of caffeine. And the addition of guarana (a
South American plant extract that contains additional caffeine) ups the
caffeine dose even more. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
regulates the amount of caffeine in soft drinks (maximum of 71
milligrams per 12–ounce serving), there is no such limit for energy
Caffeine is a stimulant. Scientific studies in adults show that
caffeine can increase alertness, improve concentration and enhance mood.
Modest caffeine intake (less than 400 milligrams per day) is safe for
most adults. But too much caffeine can cause problems, including
restlessness, irritability and difficulty sleeping. Massive caffeine
overdoses can cause reduced blood flow to the heart and abnormal heart
Many energy drinks also contain sugar. Sugar is "real energy." Your
body can use the sugar as fuel to do work. But don't forget that extra
sugar means excess calories. A steady consumption of sugar-filled energy
drinks will lead to weight gain.
Other ingredients, including the amino acid taurine, ginseng and
assorted vitamins, probably have little to no impact on a person's
perceived energy level. Although manufacturers tout the importance of
these additives, their purported benefits are unproven. One note of
caution: ginseng can interact with a variety of prescription medicines.
Energy drinks vs. sports drinks: Know the difference
Although often displayed in the same section of the store or even right
next to each other, energy drinks (e.g. Monster, Five Hour Energy) and
sports drinks (e.g. Gatorade, Powerade) are not interchangeable.
Containing water, carbohydrates and electrolytes, sports drinks help
athletes to rehydrate and replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates lost
during strenuous athletic activity; this is a perfectly legitimate use
of these products.
Energy drinks are different. Containing stimulants, they do not
replenish electrolytes. Furthermore, caffeine can be dangerous for the
dehydrated athlete who already has an elevated heart rate and blood
pressure from physical exertion. Do not use energy drinks during sports;
they do not provide the "energy" you need.
Energy drinks are not for kids
More than half of the energy drink market consists of children and
young adults. Although endorsed by sports stars and targeted to younger
people, energy drinks are not for kids. The American Academy of
Pediatrics summed it up, concluding that "energy drinks have no place in
the diet of children and adolescents."
Energy drinks and alcohol: Danger!
On Nov. 17, 2010, the FDA ruled that premixed drinks that include both
alcohol and caffeine (alcoholic energy drinks) are unsafe. Although this
stopped sales of such beverages, the ruling did not curtail the
practice of combining alcohol with energy drinks. People just mix the
drinks themselves. Surveys find that 25 to 50 percent of college
students regularly consume combinations of energy drinks and alcohol.
This is a dangerous practice.
The caffeine in energy drinks can counteract the drowsiness normally
caused by alcohol. Drinkers stay awake longer and often drink more. This
increases the risk of alcohol poisoning.
In addition, the energy drink can create the perception that the
drinker is not impaired by the alcohol; the drinker feels more "alert"
and believes that his reflexes (and driving ability) remain intact. This
can lead to serious problems behind the wheel. Energy drinks do not
counteract alcohol's effect on dulling reflexes.
If you are of age, drink alcohol responsibly. Don't mix alcohol and driving. And don't mix alcohol and energy drinks.
Are energy drinks for you?
In a court of law, we presume that a person is innocent until proven
guilty. When it comes to medicine, we take the opposite approach. A drug
or supplement is considered dangerous until proven safe.
Energy drinks have not been proven safe. In fact, because they are
classified as supplements, they are not even regulated by the FDA. This
means that their ingredients are not tightly controlled and their health
effects are largely unstudied.
We do think that an adult who consumes an occasional energy drink (one a
day) is unlikely to suffer harm. But too much can lead to caffeine
overdose and health problems, and mixing energy drinks and alcohol is a
bad idea. And remember — there is no justification for giving these
drinks to children and teens.
Seek simpler and safer ways to maintain your energy and stay alert. Get
a good night's sleep. Exercise daily. Eat well. These are the real
magic bullets.