How to Handle Every Breast Type
How to Handle Every Breast Type
The Men's Healthand Women's HealthBig Book of Sex.)
- Large Breasts: In a study conducted at the University of Vienna, researchers found that large breasts were about 24 percent less sensitive than small ones. "This is probably because the nerve that transmits sensation from the nipple is stretched," says Alan Matarasso, M.D., a plastic surgeon in New York City. Stimulate the outer sides of her breasts, just below the armpits, with your tongue or fingertips. Make flipping motions with your tongue and even experiment with light nibbling.
- Small Breasts: They're sensitive, but they can handle more motion because of their size. Use your palms to cup and gently bounce her breasts during sex.
- Droopy Breasts: Droopy breasts can be the least sensitive--not only are the nerves stretched, but they're compressed by the breasts' weight. Have her lie on her back; it'll cause her breasts to shift up and out, relieving the tension on the nerves and helping her focus on the pleasure.
- Surgically Enhanced Breasts: If done properly, implants won't interfere with sensation. But they will move differently. Concentrate on the surface of her breasts. Use your tongue to make circles that gradually spiral in toward the nipples.
- New-Mom Breasts: Her nipples will be tender, so focus on the breasts' undersides, which are frequently neglected. Gently cup and support her breasts. It'll feel nice to her after a long day of suckling.