The political tiff brewing in Akwa Ibom state between Governor Godswill Akpabio and his former Secretary of State Mr Umana Umana has assumed a dangerous dimension as a group " Akwa Ibom Stakeholders raising alarm that Governor Akpabio is out to destroy the credibility and pedigree of " a loyal party man and a hardworking citizen of the state "
The group which met in Uyo yesterday said that "We are taken aback by the mumbo - jubo political tactics being played out by our Governor in the case involving him and Mr Umana Umana , his erstwhile able Secretary and a competent servant of the state .
The President of the group , Mr Ekenam Udo who had a chat with alarinkagbaye said that " We are not happy with Governor Akpabio with the way and manner with which he has been dealing with Mr Umana Umana just because he suspected him of having or entertaining ambition of contesting for the governor of the state
The group called the attention of the Governor " Governor Akpabio who has a modicum of achievements to show is rather proving to be a failure in handling the Umana Umana issue because he has been reacting to mere rumour of his so called gubernatorial ambition."
The group pointed out that " We are also baffled by the extent to which Governor Akpabio is pushing this matter to by deliberately spreading bad propaganda and falsehood against the person and credibility of Umana Umana"
The group alleged that Governor Akpabio sponsored a news in some newspapers which alleged that Umana Umana rejected the NNDC job offer which was totally untruth , unfounded and a calculated attempt by him to paint Umana Umana in bad light
" We are alarmed by Governor Akpabio's desperation at destroying the image of Umana Umana the news of Umana purported declaratuon of gubernatorial ambition , which is nothing but figment of his eyes and Umana's refusal to take NNDC post , which is another a tissue of lie "
The Akwa Ibom stakeholders said that " We are ready to do all things humanly possible to show the world the truth state of things in Akwa Ibom as related to our Governor and a very diligent , good natured and responsible servant of the State , mr Umana Umana who is being vilified and oppressed by the Governor on trump up cases and mere political rumour brewed by the Governor and his agents "