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Thursday, 6 November 2014
How Ogun Commissioner of Tourism shocked participants at World Travel Market
How Ogun Commissioner of Tourism shocked participants at World Travel Market
How Ogun Commissioner of Tourism shocked participants at World Travel Market !
Her name is Yewande Amusan , the Ogun State Commissioner for Culture and Tourism appointed by Governor Ibikunle Amosun.
This is a lesson to all governors in Nigeria . A lesson that they should apply a high level of circumspection and sensibility whenever there is a need to appoint people to positions of authority particularly if that post will have to do with interacting with the image of the state and the citizen.
Nigeria could have reached a pretty development stage if past administrators have taken the pains in selected competent and credible people to manage the affairs of the country .
What is the culture is used political and personal sentiment as the benchmark for political appointment without consideration to whether the appointees have the brain , the attitudinal modules , the gut and body language to perform and justify the trust of appointment .
The tourism sector has been a victim of this malady .
This is because most of those who have being in the saddle of authority do not understand the import of tourism and cannot fathom how essential this sector is to the survival of the economy .
Thus whenever there is the need to appoint tourism administrators , they go for anybody or appoint those who they hate their faces but who circumstance and political necessities ensure they are appointed
And what do you expect from such a person , perfunctoriness and mediocre performance at the place of post of duty .
Since nothing much is expected of them , they too will not stride hard to be the best .
That recent World Travel Market , which took place in London 3 - 6 November 2014 ,where the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation , NTDC, led by its Director - General , Mrs Sally Nwechue Mbanefo participated fully gave an insight into the changing phenomenon in the perception of who rules the tourism sector .
The Nigeria's performance this year at the market was not only impressive but it witness the visible participation of members of private sector with Ogun State leading the pack of the state delegation
The performance and conduct of the Ogun state delegation at the fair left many wondering where Governor Amosun got this woman Commissioner from .This is because it is one thing for a governor to appoint a commissioner and another issue for that fellow to live up to expectation.
Mrs Yewande Amusan was an opposite of one's expectation due to the performance and conduct of previous commissioners of tourism from Nigeria in such travel markets and fair .
Imagine Mrs Amusan who was sent by a whole Governor of a state with a state money and dignity to while away time at WTM as her peers used to see such an assignment attaching seriousness of purpose to the event by visiting the venue to assess the exhibition ground and ensure that the Ogun state stand was in proper fitness before the opening day instead of her to be sleeping in her hotel room ?
As if not is enough , these Amusan women shocked us on the opening day when she led the Ogun state delegation to the hall far before the time of opening and ensure that everything was right in accordance with the procedure set by NTDC lady ?
Mrs Amusan shocked the world at the fair by remaining unassuming and humbly interacting with all without minding her pristine beauty and going about in Adire Iro and buba spreading the tourism vision and strides of Governor Amosun in a more convincing manner which revaled her as an extremely intelligent lady who knows a lot about tourism !
Unlike others , Mrs Amusan too religiously ensured her timely presence at the Nigerian Stand like the DG , personally attending to questions and inquisitions about Ogun State as if she is not a COMMISSIONER
What surprised all was her systematic and proactive ways of mobilizing the Ogun state delegate at attracting buyers to the stand and her synchronization of vision with Mrs Sally Mbanefo at showing the world how to tie and dye clothe into adire .
Mrs Amusan unlike some others almighty Commissioners never abandoned the Ogun state stand to engage in wanton shopping but instead , she utilized the opportunity in visiting other countries" stands telling them why Ogun State is the "Gateway to 'Nigeria tourism "
Her conducts , interaction ,robust sense of duty , humility and proactive endeared Ogun state to many .
She is wonderful . I swear.