Horse Boy' reappears on Google Street View in Aberdeen
The mysterious Google Street View 'Horse Boy' has reappeared on the streets of
Aberdeen, after a short, unexplained disappearance.
The original
Horse Boy, a man in a purple jumper and a rubber horse's head mask, was
spotted on Google
Street View on Hardgate in Aberdeen. He has appeared separately, now
in a green jumper and with a human-headed schoolgirl companion, on
Hazlemere Road in the same city.
The first, purple-jumpered image was taken down by Google for a while, but has
now been restored. No explanation was given either for the disappearance or
subsequent restoration.
While no-one knows who Horse Boy is or what the point of him is, there are
theories. Some bloggers think he will turn out to have been part of a
corporate publicity stunt. Others point out that buying a plastic horse mask
is not beyond the wit of man. A commenter
on the BBC website said: "Horse boy isn't a person, it's a cheap
mask - for example I saw at least three people wearing similar heads at this
year's Download Festival in Donington."
Nonetheless he has become an international phenomenon. Stefan Kleen from
Germany said he met horse-boy at a festival: "He only spoke English so
we didn't really talk a lot to him." He has also apparently been
spotted in Norwich and Cardiff.
A YouTube user by the name of TheHumanHorse
has posted a video claiming to be Horse Boy, saying: "I am Back! After
I was spotted on Google Street View I thought I’d upload this video to show
I am still around! Horse boy coming to a garden near you soon!"